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9th Grade Math Placement

9th Grade Mathematics Placement Protocol*

9th Grade Mathematics Placement Protocol*

8th Grade Data Considerations for 9th Grade Math Placement:
  • Grade in 8th grade math class
  • Challenge test results
  • CAASPP Math achievement level
8th Grade Math Course Incoming 9th Grade Placement
Mathematics 8 Mathematics I
Mathematics 8 with Support
(Support model is determined by site)
Mathematics I
Mathematics I with Support
(Support model is determined by site)
Mathematics I
(Grade of C or better)
Mathematics II
Mathematics II Honors
Mathematics I
(Grade of D)
Applied Mathematics
Mathematics I
Mathematics I with Support
(Support model is determined by site)
Mathematics I
(Grade of F)
Mathematics I
*Math placement for all 9th graders will be checked within the first 30 days of school to ensure proper and appropriate placement.
Board Policy 6152.1
Senate Bill 359, known as the , was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on October 5, 2015, and took effect on January 1, 2016.
Appeal Process
Per Board Policy 6152.1, within 5 school days of a student’s initial receipt of his/her academic schedule or within 5 school days of a change to the student’s academic schedule, a student and his/her parent/guardian who disagree with the placement of the student may appeal, in writing, the decision to the student’s counselor. The counselor, in collaboration with the site principal, shall decide whether or not to overrule the placement determination within 5 school days of receiving the appeal.